SS022 | Metropolis Series

The Metropolis Series, named after the iconic Metropolis jacket, part of C.P. Company’s historical Urban Protection range, first released in 1999, represents the brand’s exploration of a purely technological design language, in which C.P. Company allows the dominant characteristics of the technologies employed in the construction of the garment to themselves generate the design. Representing C.P. Company’s vision of urban agility in the 020s, the Metropolis series returns for its fourth consecutive season. The SS022 Metropolis Series, continued for its fourth consecutive season, represents the more purely urban and industrial side of the C.P. Company language. All items are designed with tone-on- tone branding, hard city colours and modular seamlessly knit mesh pockets and hoods that give the collection a cold, robotic hand, consistent with the series’ original millennium vision of urban life. Worn – or viewed – together with the rest of the collection these pieces create a topographic mosaic of mov
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