藝術衍紙/捲紙手作_貓頭鷹 make an owl with coloeful paper quil

嗨,我是双瓶,我很喜歡紙藝手作,尤其是捲紙藝術。衍紙藝術是用五顏六色的紙,利用紙的特性與顏色,捲壓造型做出來的藝術形式,此影片示範如何做可愛的立體衍紙貓頭鷹 Hi, I am Shuang-ping , I love paper crafting, especially rolling paper art. Paper quilling art is an art made by colorful paper, this vidio will teach you how to make an owl with coloeful rolling paper. 想更了解双瓶動態與作品,請點擊以下鏈接 : FB粉專 : https:
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