[Trailer] 火爆浪子 (Angry Ranger)

Angry Ranger火爆浪子 (1991) 導演: 王龍威 領銜主演: 林國斌, 梁婉靜, 呂頌賢, 孟龍 Peter八年前因傷人罪被入獄,出獄後發覺屋村變了不少,並為兩幫人控制,在屋村橫行無忌。Peter姐姐以伴舞為生,勸Peter重新做人,並介紹他在魚檔工作。興仔乃Peter好友,已改過自新,在車行做經紀,晚上還在社區中心學英文,因而邂逅馮女,並展開追求。Peter也於舞會上邂逅大圈漢的女人阿珍。愛滋倫為馬交華的手下,為人囂張霸道。將Peter奚落一番後,Peter趁醉駕走倫的車,並沖下大海。兩人結下仇恨。大圈漢發現Peter與珍約會大怒,軟禁珍,並嫁禍Peter殺倫,欲乘機剷除馬交華。倫死後,馬交華找Peter報復,大圈漢趁機將其一網殺盡。幸好Peter與興仔逃脫。Peter不滿大圈漢所為,趁孟蘭節大開殺戒,把大圈漢剷除。 Director: Johnny Wang Starring: Ben Lam, Leung Yuen Jing, Jackie Lui, Bruce Mang Peter vows to start a new life upon his release from prison. He lives with his sister and works in a fish stall. However, the village has changed quite a lot. Gangs have taken over the power. Peter meets and falls in love with Jane, who happens to be Mainland Hon’s girl. Hon finds that Peter dated with Jane and is pissed off, thus he arrests her. Since Peter is confronted by Macau Wah’s hitman Lun, Hon kills Lun to lock Peter up. When Wah tries to settle the score with Peter, Hon’s men swoop on them. Wah and his men are killed while Peter is wounded. So, Peter goes to find Hon at the night of reckoning... _______________________________ Fortune Star Official Website: Fortune Star Facebook: Canxing Media Official Channel: © 2010 Fortune STAR Media Limited. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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