RARE! Franco Corelli “Ô souverain, ô juge, ô père“ (Le Cid) 1967 Boston concert

💖 Support the Franco Corelli Info Center’s mission here: 💛 Monthly memberships for regular donors (with “Thank you“ rewards): “Ah! tout est bien fini... Ô souverain, ô juge, ô père“ Rodrigue’s Act 3 aria from Jules Massenet’s Le Cid Franco Corelli in concert (joint concert with Teresa Iannello) March 15, 1967 Boston Symphony Hall Conductor: Anton Guadagno With the original text in French on screen English subtitles available. Timestamps 00:00 Ah! tout est bien fini 01:14 Ô souverain, ô juge, ô père _________________________________________________________________ This channel serves non-profit, educational purposes only and is an extension of the Facebook group of the same name, where we share original articles, interviews, useful and informative documents, links, resources about Franco Corelli’s life, art, career, discography, technique, etc. 💖 You can support the Franco Corelli Info Center’s mission here: 💛 Monthly memberships for regular donors (with “Thank you“ rewards): ℹ Find out all about Corelli in the Franco Corelli Info Center: Link collection: Facebook group: Facebook page: Instagram: My other channel: @giovannismansion
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