It’s early autumn. A lonely tree growing near a cliff is admiring the view. Far below, the lake surface at the foot of the mountain is invitingly glittering in the rays of the setting sun.
- You wanted to get there so much, but your age is coming to an end, — a rustle is heard in the tree crown, — And like other leaves, you will soon fall to the foot of our Mother Tree and become food for Her roots. And the wind is getting stronger...
And out of the blue, a sudden gust of wind rips the leaf off, swirls it, and throws it into the cliff! Slapped by the wind, it’s being thrown from side to side, unable to take a grip on itself. And the leaf realizes: it has to find Its Own wind. Gradually, with its edges, it feels the flow that does not hit but supports, does not push but directs. Now, the Leaf is soaring up like a bird on Its Own air flow! In a few moments, it will smoothly descend on the calmly shining lake surface.
Ранняя осень. Одинокое дерево у обрыва любуется открывающи
2 months ago 00:04:23 1
Just apples and cocoa! No sugar! I eat it every day and I’m losing weight before my eyes!
2 months ago 00:22:30 1
CROCHET Holly leaf tutorial. Лист Падуба крючком. Вяжем к Новому Году.