Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox with Brer Bear. Illustrated by Don Daily.

Do you remember The Classic Tales of Brer Rabbit. Illustrated by Don Daily. Follow the adventures of crafty Brer Rabbit and his friends in seven playful folktales with roots in traditional African stories. (This video includes the first two stories.) Told and retold for hundreds of years, this young-reader’s version of these folktales retains the original humor and wisdom, complemented by spirited, full-color illustrations by Don Daily. In this classic Brer Rabbit childrens book, a trickster figure originating in African folklore and transmitted by African slaves to the New World, where it acquired attributes of similar native American tricksters (see trickster tale); Brer, or Brother, Rabbit was popularized in the United States in the stories of Joel Chandler Harris (1848–1908). The character’s adventures embody an idea considered to be a universal creation among oppressed peoples—that a small, weak, but ingenious force can overcome a larger, stronger, but dull-witted power. Brer Rabbit con
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