Ganpati kriya · Kundalini meditation to overcome any obstacle · Hansu Jot · 31 minutes version

© Copyright Disclaimer All credits go to Hansu Jot and his record label. This video was made for promotional purpose only. If there is any issue please contact the owner of the channel to see it removed. · Intention & meaning of the mantra · This is a video edit made to help meditate and sing with the Ganpati mantra for 31 minutes. The original version on the recording is 11 minutes long. “This meditation is said to redeem all negativity of the past and present, smooth out your day-to-day problems and create a positive tomorrow. It will change your luck and allow prosperity to flow. It allows you to let go of the attachments to the mind and to the impact of past actions so you can create and live a fulfilled life. This beautiful and powerful meditation has a history in its name. The Hindu God of Knowledge and Happiness is Ganesha. The other name for Ganesha is Gunpati. Ganesha was depicted as a rotund man with the head of an elephant. This huge body balances and ri
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