接迎抗美援朝誌願軍歸國,女飛行員是高考狀元,中國空軍運-20首位女機長李淩超/The first female captain of the Chinese Air Force Y-20

她是高考狀元,高出清華北大錄取線十幾分,幾乎所有人都反對她報考空軍航空大學,但她還是力排眾議成為了壹名空軍女兵。她是空軍第七批女飛行員,航天英雄劉洋和王亞平等都是她的同班同學,但是,她卻是第壹個單飛,第壹個擔任機長,第壹個擔任隊長的女飛。她是空軍特級飛行員,這個頭銜意味著,她可以在各種氣象條件下,駕駛戰機,全天候執行各類任務。 迎接誌願軍烈士遺骸歸國,汶川抗震救災,廣州亞運會消雲減雨,東方之星郵輪沈船搜救,面對各項重大任務她都出色完成並屢獲戰功,她就是中國空軍運20首位女機長,李淩超。 從高考狀元到空軍女兵,從戰鬥機飛行員到運20首位女機長,特級飛行員,入伍26年來,李淩超安全飛行超過4200小時,她不斷超越自己,用努力與汗水證明著自己對祖國的忠誠,對飛行不變的熱愛。水兵愛大海,騎兵愛草原,要問飛行員愛什麽,他們愛祖國的藍天。 College Entrance Exam Champion & Super Pilot. Li Lingchao, the first female captain of the Chinese Air Force Y-20 She was the number one student in the college entrance examination, more than ten points higher than the admission threshold of Tsinghua University and Peking University. Almost everyone opposed her to apply for the Air Force Aviation University, but she still resisted all opinions and became a female air force soldier. She is the seventh batch of female pilots of the Air Force. Aerospace heroes Liu Yang and Wang Yaping are her classmates. However, she is the first solo pilot, the first captain, and the first female pilot to serve as captain. She is a special pilot of the Air Force. This title means that she can fly fighter jets and perform various tasks around the clock under various weather conditions. Welcoming the remains of the volunteer martyrs to return to China, Wenchuan earthquake relief, Guangzhou Asian Games to reduce clouds and rain, and the search and rescue of the Oriental Star Cruise Shipwreck. Long, Li Lingchao. From the top scorer in the college entrance examination to the female soldier in the Air Force, from a fighter pilot to the first female captain in Yun 20, Li Lingchao has flown safely for more than 4,200 hours in the 26 years since she joined the army. Become love. Sailors love the sea, cavalry love the prairie, and if you ask what pilots love, they love the blue sky of the motherland #女兵 #女飞 #空军 接迎抗美援朝誌願軍歸國,女飛行員是高考狀元,中國空軍運-20首位女機長李淩超/The first female captain of the Chinese Air Force Y-20 Li Lingchao, the first female captain of the Chinese Air Force Y-20
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