SexyS Quintessa -- Le Cirque de Nuit -- Vernian Process Something Wicked
Video by Fuzonacid! ***My epic act that I created for Idle Rogue Production Le Cirque de Nuit in SecondLife. The act sorta came together as Diawa Bellic and I were looking at the tent when it was finished. I already had on a tiny pink elephant avatar! Diawa added a platform and then I brought out an elephant and marched it around!!! And thats how the initial concept started!!!! Then I had to pick a song, which normally I usually pick first! It took me a few days but found this one from Vernian Process called Something Wicked (that way went). IT WAS PERFECT! I spent hours, days, weeks and months on this. I am damn proud of it! I choreographed the elephant riders and tiny elephants. Diawa Bellic choreographed the Ring leader clowns and Bears! Thank you goes out to RestlessSoul Blackheart for the clown next to the Orchestrion by Contraption. Ringer leader outfits by Vero Modero. Elephant rider outfits by Tribal Bamboo. Hair by Boon. Polar Bears by VNArtistGroup. Tiny elephants by Wilds of Organica. Head adornments on the tiny elephants and bears were done by ME! Enjoy this awesome video by fuzonacid!!! fuzonacid@