Ka-Bar BK2 Copy 1:1 Becker Campanion Fixed Blade D2 Knife Black Test 2021 China Knives Replica

Ethan Becker is a man after our own heart. An avid outdoorsman who enjoys martial arts and hunting, Becker founded Becker Knife and Tool Corporation in the early 1980’s to design the industrial-strength tactical and survival knives he’d always wanted for himself. What we love about Becker, other than his innovative designs, is that he spends so much time in the outdoors testing new equipment and designs. KA-BAR is proud to be the manufacturer of Becker Knife & Tool products - all brought up to date and approved by Becker himself. For all those who camp, hunt or spend time afield. The Campanion works just as happily splitting out kindling as it does prying apart joints and skinning game, not to mention chopping onions for the campfire chili ! Sold with a MOLLE compatiblae hard plastic sheath. #Ka-Bar Copy 1:1 #Becker Campanion Fixed Blade Knife Black Test 2021 China Knives Replica Review #Shorts BK2 Overall length : 235 mm / in Blade length : 99 mm / in
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