Cardio Kickboxing Workout to Burn Fat at Home | 45 Minute Low Impact HIIT Workout | growwithjo
A highly requested video (and now i know why!) what an intense BURN! This HIIT kickboxing workout burned over 500 calories, got my arms on fire, my waist feeling snatched and my legs toned up! This cardio workout is full of kickboxing inspired exercises that will get that heart rate up, help burn fat, improve endurance and will have you seriously sweaty by the end!
This workout is great for individuals of all fitness levels. If you are a beginner, just getting started - push yourself as much as you can, and take breaks when needed. There is no shame in taking a break or two. This will help you not compromise your form, and will help you come back to the workouts stronger tomorrow!
Make sure to hydrate as much as you can before, during and after this workout. This workout is super sweaty and if you don’t hydrate after, you may overeat. Keep to the same amount of calories you are used to taking in after this workout so that you see a change. And if you can, do your best to consume a protein source after this workout! This will help build your muscles back up so that your metabolism is faster and so that you see muscle tone from this workout!
SHARE YOUR WORKOUT VIDEOS on Tik Tok, YouTube or Instagram for a chance to be featured in my next video!
Record a video or take a picture of you doing the workout, tag me @growwithjo #growwithjo @growwithjo_united
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