
平常趁着空闲时后,我们总会带着大王和来福出门散步顺便运动,这天阿霞带着大王来福来田里找我,远远的一听见声音大王便开始到处跑来跑去,虽然这两兄弟可能只是因为出来玩很兴奋,但工作的疲劳也被他们可爱的模样减轻了不少🥰 Usually, when we are free, we always take Dawang and Laifu out for a walk and exercise. Today Axia brought Dawang and Laifu to the field to find me. When Dawang heard the sound of mine from a distance, Dawang started running around. Although these two brothers are excited just because they came out to play, the fatigue of work is also relieved by their cute appearance 🥰 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,这里是我和大王的新频道,如果你也喜欢大王,请持续关注大王的频道,我会在频道里不定期更新一些大王在村里的日常,希望你们也能像我们一样,喜欢大王、疼爱大王~ Hello, everyone. I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan local. Welcome to the new channel of Dawang and me. If you like Dawang as well, please do subscribe. I’ll post some daily footage of Dawang in the village from time to time. Hope you will find Dawang adorable and like him just like us. #大王 #Dawang #阿盆姐 #Apenjie
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