West Pride Festival 2022 / Göteborg - Full Event

West Pride Festival 2022 - Sweden / Gothenburg PRIDE PARADEN . Hela Evenemanget - West Prides festival used to be a political stance for example to Lesbian Rights in society. But has recently developed to include everyone who falls under the term LGBTQ . As we know we have lesbians, gays, bisexuals, Pansexualitet,, transgender people, queers, asexual. But in the terrorist mafia Islamic fundamentalist countries like the Iranian mafia regime as well as the Taliban in Afghanistan, the punishment for having one of these sexes, is death by stoning. The dictator mafia Putin’s regime in Russia also severely punishes the mentioned sex. The main symbol of the Pride movement is The Rainbow Flag. The sound has been removed due To @Copyright. (Therefore, bad music was chosen on good clips). ----------------------,,,,,,,,,,,------------------- PRIDE PARADEN 2022 - Göteborg West Prides festivaler brukade vara ett p
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