[CF] Cross Fire is Crazy by Hi [CFFA 2012 Entry] [CFFA WINNER BEST COMEDY]

REMEMBER TO WATCH IN 720p! Don’t hurt yourself by treating your eyes to anything less than perfect quality D: Project Name: Cross Fire is Crazy Contest Name: The Cross Fire Film Awards 2012 Project Creator and Director: [MOD]Hi of Z8Games Tape / Edit Time: Thursday Mar 15, 2012 - Sunday March 18, 2012 Inspired by: Stick Figures on Crack by PivotMasterDX Game: Cross Fire Video Information Running Time: 2:22 Recommended Quality: 720p HD Recording Software: Bandicam and Fraps Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro 10.0, Adobe PhotoShop CS 5.1 Song Information: I do not own the rights to, but not limiting to, any sound which you can hear throughout this piece. Additionally, sole ownership of said sounds are respectively owned by their respective parties. This video is not making any money or advertising with intention to make money, and thus does not show intention for copyright infringement Special thanks to: [GM]Saidin - Judge [MOD]Polleus
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