GHWoR - "Children of the Grave" Expert Guitar 100% FC (379,502)

Children of the Grave - Black Sabbath 5th 1st place in a row This is by far my highest-margin 1st place so far. Previous 1st place had 378,834, which is 668 points below my score. I’m very very happy with this score, even though I know of at least 136 more points. You can get 60 more points on the 3rd activation by moving it to the R and end on the Y after the YB sustain- it’s pretty tough but I’ve hit it many times before. I also dropped an extended sustain at the beginning of the solo, so I missed out on 68 points from that (i checked other runs and compared the difference in scores to get that number). There’s probably also a ton of extra glitch ticks in the outro you could get. Still, this is miles ahead of everyone else, and I am very proud of this score. Pls no one beat this hahaha My Scores:
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