’globetrotters’ Pint Size (1961)

’Globetrotters’ Pint Size. Indiana in the United States of America. L/S Elevated the Dover Basketeers running across the court inter passing the ball. L/S Audience applauding. L/S as a boy passes the ball backwards between his legs to a fellow player who throws it at the boy’s behind and he knocks to another player and then they start passing the ball again. L/S Elevated the ball being passes amongst the boys. M/S The coloured boy with the ball throws it over his head and again passes it by using his behind. C/U Another small boy passing the ball round his back. and over his neck to another boy who drops the ball behind himself and flips it to another boy with his toe. L/S The ball goes to another boy who swings the ball between his legs and then passes it through his legs to another boy who throws it to boy who rolls it down his back and catches it behind himself. L/S Crowd applauding. M/S Pan. One of the boys running backwards bouncing the ball very low rolls onto his back still bouncing the ball. C/
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