moppyoppenheimer_Том Эллис в Инстаграм Меган Оппенхаймер, 17/11/2020

Том Эллис: поздравление с Днем Рождения от Меган Оппенхаймер, 17/11/2020 Instagram Meaghan Oppenheimer moppyoppenheimer Happy Birthday to my loverchops husband @ officialtomellis. Making you laugh until you cry is one of the great privileges of my life, mainly because your laughter is so fucking cute. You are the kindest, silliest, most loyal husband, father, cat-dad and friend anyone could ask for. You really have made me feel so loved every day since the day I met you, and I am so grateful for the heavy duty witchcraft I did to summon you into my life. 💕🥰
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