AKKOR is designed to detect tank-targeting rockets and missiles and hit them in midair, Aselsan said. The system is designed for the Altay, a new-generation battle tank Turkey has been developing, but it can also be fitted to various types of armored vehicles.
1 year ago 00:00:43 1
Активная защита AKKOR в действии
2 years ago 00:05:33 2
finally!. Turkey’s advanced MBT tank
6 years ago 00:03:06 10
Altay Tankı Dokunulmaz Oluyor (Aselsan - Akkor) Altay tank is going untouchable (AKKOR - ASELSAN)
6 years ago 00:02:58 26
Комплекс Активной Защиты (КАЗ) AKKOR Pulat (Заслон-Л) на танке M60TM ВС Турции