Squirrel Hill PA - A Neighborhood of Joy, Wealth, Scandal & Tragedy - What Makes It Special?

In this episode of the Fascinating History and Amazing Stories of our Neighborhoods, Town Tours Online is looking at the very interesting, diverse and close-knit community of Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh, PA. We will take a look at the history of this neighborhood from its modest beginnings as a farm town, to its days as the place some of Pittsburgh’s elite had their great estates, to where it became one of the largest Jewish communities in the United States. We will show what makes this neighborhood so special and unique. Town Tours Online would like to feature your neighborhood in a future vi...doe. If you would like to see your neighborhood in one of our videos, please email us at towntoursonline@ and tell us a little about your neighborhood. If we use your suggestion, we will give you a special thanks you and shout out in that video. Also, please share this and our other videos with your friends, family and neighbors. We really want to reach 5000 subscribers, and cannot do that without your
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