Little Nightmares 2 Comic | VISUAL DEVELOPMENT

LITTLE NIGHTMARES 2 COMIC finding the right visual style For this comic we wanted to find a style that was different from the game but could still carry the same feeling (and where possible push that feeling even more). So, for the visual development stage we created a 3D scene of the Hunter. In this scene we could test all the elements we planned to use like depth layering, light, and animation. With this scene built we could test some different art styles. As you can see in the video, we tested three different approaches. We ended up really liking these gritty, hard, deep blacks in combination with textured colours. Another advantage that this deep black style gave us was being able to play with framing and shadows a lot, since the comic frame would be black too. As of today, Episode 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Little Nightmares Comic are available for free here: iOS Android
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