Dance: Nüwa Mending the Sky | 河南卫视2023元宵奇妙游——舞蹈《中国神话·女娲补天》| CNODDT
Lead Dancer: Hao Ruoqi
The dance gets its inspiration from an ancient Chinese legend, “Nüwa Mending the Sky“, in which Nüwa, the mother goddess, molded humans with yellow clay. Led by CNODDT dancer Hao Ruoqi, it depicts the magnificent fantasy of ancient times before the Han Dynasty (202 BC-AD 202) and pays homage to the enterprising and striving spirit of Chinese people at the beginning of the New Year.
抟土造人、炼石补天。跟随中国歌剧舞剧院舞蹈演员 #郝若琦 走进《中国神话·女娲补天》,看创世之不易、感顽强拼搏之精神。
Video provided by All-media Marketing Planning Center, Henan Radio and Television Station
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Dance: Nüwa Mending the Sky | 河南卫视2023元宵奇妙游——舞蹈《中国神话·女娲补天》| CNODDT
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