✎1 hour motivational paint with me ~ real time, music and no talking ~ ala prima selfportrait ~♡

I forgot to film when I put down the initial linear lines for the contour, and I forgot to film finishing the scarf and other smaller details. Sorry about that, this is a first time for me! The actual painting took me 2 hours to complete. But have you learned to love yourself? 35 x 28 cm oil on linen. Flat brushes and one tiny round brush, no blending allowed. I’ve spend so much time by myself the last few months. Experimenting with self portraits seems inevitable. I’ve been putting a lot of thought in with whom I want to be as an artist, as a painter, as a tattooer and as a woman. I’ve always been ambitious. But every time that ambition catches up with me and life can be feel full of emptiness. Maybe I’m expecting to much, or maybe not enough. I know there is beauty in living slow, I know there is peace in silence. I know not much makes me happy, I know I don’t need much to be happy.
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