The Myklebust ship is the largest Viking ship that has ever been found traces of in Norway.
The history
The young archaeologist Anders Lorange came to Nordfjordeid to excavate the large burial mound, locally called “Rundehogjen”. The mound is located on the Myklebust farm that has been the location for several other burial mounds. However, this particular mound proved to be special.
The burial mound was about 30 meter in diameter, almost 4 meters tall and had a broad moat. The mound contained the remains of an amazing viking ship and a number of high-status objects from the end of the 9th century. The lavish contents of the burial mound and the traces of the mystical rituals performed during the burial ceremony, provides a fascinating insight into the way of life and the worldview in the Norse society living in Nordfjordeid for over one thousand years ago.
10 months ago 00:01:20 3
7 years ago 00:08:48 28
Nytt Myklebustskip på Sagastad, Eid - New Viking longship