Hedgehog’s Dilemma - Neon Genesis Evangelion

“The hedgehog’s dilemma: the closer we become the more deeply we hurt. Now I understand. I finally understand that he can’t let others know how he feels in any other way.“ - Misato Katsuragi The hedgehog’s dilemma is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs all seek to become close to one another in order to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid. Other videos of this song keep getting taken down because of copyright infringement, so I thought I’d upload my own that hopefully we can rely on to stay up. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the media in this video, including but not limited to audio and the image provided. I uploaded this for the sole purpose of entertainment, and I do not claim any of the content as my own.
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