MOR WAR Episode 4: Mixle Episode [Duke Nukem Episode]

At long last, I found the time to complete the final single player episode of this fan-made game! In my personal opinion this was easily the hardest episode, but also the most fun! As always, this game was made by Michal and Pavel Moravek. Translated from Czech (or so google translate tells me) It seemed that the enemy had lost after the defeat of the Cycloid Emperor, in which Duke accepted an invite to EDF headquarters. Instead he learned that the battle was far from over, as the aliens had deployed a new weapon and a brand new queen. It’s up to our man Duke to go to the Sigma Complex, destroy the weapon and wipe out those alien bastards once and for all! This was my personal favorite episode of this mod. Not only were there plenty of enemies to kill, but I finally get to show off that the expander got a huge buff here! The only really frustrating parts was that it took me far longer than it should have to put in all they keys in the first section of the sigma complex level
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