Abstract Heightfield Terrain | Live Stream 2022 09 06
Scene File:
04:55 Creating the initial heightfield
05:45 Using VOPs to modify heightfields
09:30 Shaping heightfields using bias and gain
22:40 Using additional noises to distort terrains
30:07 Setting up cameras
39:48 Transferring heightfield values to a grid
40:54 Cutting the grid based off of heightfield elevation values
43:00 Calculating distance to borders
57:00 Creating a flow noise based on surface distance
1:05:20 Coloring the flow values
1:20:00 Rendering
1:22:00 Setting up lights
1:26:00 Shader based bump mapping to add detail
1:30:00 adjust main sun light direction
1:37:30 adjust anisotropic highlight direction in shader
2:14:27 wrapping up and adjusting redshift postFX
2 years ago 02:39:24 25
Abstract Heightfield Terrain | Live Stream 2022 09 06