Happo Kamae no Kata - 8 basic kenjutsu postures, Enshin Itto Ryu 円心一刀流抜刀術 - 八構えの型

The 8 swords postures (#kamae) of Enshin Itto Ryu are practiced in 8 directions to understand the body movement that gives the efficiency of the posture. Fixed postures are useless. The Kata introduced here is called Happo Kamae Kata 八 構 え の 型, inspired by the 8th directions of the Sacred Mirror - Yata no Kagami 八 咫 鏡 - one of the 3 Imperial Treasures - roots of the Japanese identity! Forged in steel by Gods, the mirror was so polished that everything was reflected so faithfully. Esoteric, the
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