This video features my full restoration of a vintage 1972 Charlton Eames-style lounge chair. I have wanted an Eames-style chair for a while, and this was a fun project to bring one back to life to my personal specifications. The restoration took 5 months to complete, and was the first time I had ever done any upholstery work.
Thanks for watching.
#restoration #eames #asmr
00:00 Intro
02:50 Metal Work
09:15 Wood Refinishing
15:55 Upholstery
26:58 Before and After
1 view
1 year ago 00:28:41 1
1972 Eames Lounge Chair - Full Restoration
2 years ago 00:03:09 1
От героев былых времён (Вечный огонь) - Игорь Артамонов Заслуженный артист УССР. Премьера клипа 2020