Outlet Consoles, Super Cheap Video Games at Surugaya 3/3 | Nintendo/PC engine/PlayStation/Japan

Let’s explore the last part of the Surugaya showing reasonable consoles, video games from Nintendo, Sony, Xbox etc. Outlet nostalgic video games are super cheap ranging JPY 100 to 550 even though they’re workable. Please also check previous parts 1 and 2 of this store : Pinned place of this shop: Surugaya Tsudanuma Viit The store in this video was newly opened in September 2023, but had an amazing selection. Surugaya is a well-stocked and competitively priced second-hand hobby chain. I will definitely continue to film them in the future as they have other great stores. I’m filming more video game stores and anime shops as well as groceries in Japan, if you like please subscribe and feel Japanese places in my POV tours! #surugaya #retrogaming #nintendo #gameboy #videogame #famicom #superf
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