Изумительный бризоль, готовить одно удовольствие Рулеты с фаршем #бризоль #brizola #рулеты
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For lunch there will be DELICIOUS BRIZOLI, very tender, juicy and satisfying. Brizol is prepared from the most affordable products.
any minced meat - 500 gr. onion - 1 pc., finely chopped salt, spices,
greens - to your taste, mix and beat off.
cheese - 250 gr.
carrots and spinach optional
pancakes- #brizol :
egg - 6 pcs.
salt to taste
milk 60g
- eggs, salt, milk combine, beat until smooth
- grease the pan with oil, heat up, bake pancakes on both sides
- spread the minced meat, carrots and spinach on top of the cheese on the pancake, roll into a tube
- put the rolls in a mold, bake for 30-40 minutes at 180, in a preheated oven. After 15 minutes, cover with foil (if desired)
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4 months ago 00:03:22 1
Хрустящие трубочки с изысканной начинкой от Камо. Вкусно, легко и просто