Illinois Railway Museum | Steam Into Fall | P2

The Illinois Railroad Museum held their steam into fall event over the weekend of October 1st, 2022. In this video, Frisco 1630 is steamed out from the service area and run over to her train at the depot. Climb aboard and enjoy the sights of steam and the fall foliage in McHenry County. This is part 2 of 4 videos filmed. Watch for the next installment coming soon. Thank you for watching this video here on The Steam Channel. We’d like to thank our YouTube & Facebook members and our Patreon patrons supporting our productions. __________________________________________ Support The Steam Channel on Patreon: NOTE! this video may not be reproduced without my express, written permission. Top 10 lists and other compilations are not “fair use“! More information on copyright and fair use as related to YouTube:
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