Helite Airbag Turtle Protection Vest Technology

The highest level of safety for motorcyclists, the Helite Turtle Airbag Vest. Practical, lightweight and discreet, the Helite Airbag Vest can save a rider from serious injuries. The vest guarantees the most optimum protection without sacrificing comfort. Helite airbag protection can be worn by a rider, as well as a passenger, no matter if you ride a motorcycle, scooter, or ATV. Turtle Technology is a new airbag innovation from Helite. With the highest level of SAS-TEC back protector, it disperses the force of energy twice as well as the previous Airnest model. The Helite Turtle vest provides a... rigid neck brace, as well as firm support to the spine and back, chest, rib and kidneys, and even hip and pelvic protection.
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