The duck | The process of raising laying ducks from hatching eggs to laying Plants
The Duck | The process of raising ducks from hatching eggs to laying eggs .Animals Plants
👉In this video, we would like to introduce the process of raising ducks from hatching to laying eggs, the living process of ducks, the care of the people with hard work, but with love for animals. ..Wishing all the best peace and the happiest life of ducks...
👉Thank you to the owners of the ducks and the uncles and aunts of the ship owners and car owners - peace and luck...
🙏🏼“If you are the owner, please send me a comment on the video. I will follow your request as soon as I read it. Thanks.“🙏🏼
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The recommended vaccination schedule for meat ducks is as follows:
- 1 day old: Vaccine to prevent Duck Hepatitis & Platypus
- 1-3 days old: Antibodies/Vaccines against (umbilical disease, diarrhea)
- 7 days of age: Tembusu vaccine (reduced birth syndrome & upside down caused by T