Royal Kariba (1960)

Item title reads - Royal Kariba. Queen Mother opens Kariba dam. Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). M/S Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother arriving at Gwelo Indaba to watch dancing by native tribesmen. M/S mass of native children with Union Jacks. M/S Queen Mother standing on dais smiling in acknowledgement of the native tribesmen. M/S native chiefs cheering Queen Mother. M/S Queen Mother sitting down to watch dancing. Various shots of Goko Shangaan dancers giving display. M/S Queen Mother watching with officials. Various shots of the men dancing and stamping their feet. M/S as Queen Mother applauds. Various shots of Kariba Dam and wall. L/S lake in front of the great wall. M/S crowds assembled for the opening, C/U as she speaks to official. C/U woman with cine camera. M/S as she speaks to another official on the balcony. M/S of people watching. L/S of her on balcony. M/S as she makes speech and opens the dam, pan across Zambezi river. Good M/S as water floods out. L/S lake. M/S power generators. L/S dam. F
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