“Mastering Purna Dhanurasana: Benefits, Technique, and Precautions for Full Bow Pose“

Purna Dhanurasana, also known as the Full Bow Pose, is an advanced backbend that deeply opens the chest, shoulders, and entire front body while strengthening the back muscles. In this posture, the practitioner lies on the stomach, bending the knees and reaching back to grasp the ankles. With a deep inhalation, the chest and thighs lift off the ground, creating a full bow-like shape. This asana not only enhances flexibility but also improves spinal alignment, stimulates the digestive organs, and boosts overall vitality. Regular practice of Purna Dhanurasana helps to relieve stress, energize the body, and promote emotional balance. However, it requires caution and should be performed under expert guidance, especially for those with back or neck issues. More info visit - contact us - sohamyogaschool@ whatsApp - 919760793123 facebook - Instagram -
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