Speaker Nancy Pelosi ’stammering’ through press conference

President Trump tweeted a Fox News compilation video of Speaker Pelosi ’stammering’ on Thursday evening, causing Pelosi’s team to accuse him of ’distracting’ the public from his ’cover-ups’ and ’unpopularity’. It comes after Trump stormed out of a meeting on Wednesday with Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer about infrastructure. The two Democrats said Trump acted like a ’baby’ and had a ’temper tantrum’, while Trump claimed at a news conference that he was calm and slammed them as ’Crazy Nancy’ and ’Crying Chuck’. The past 48 hours have been filled with sniping, insults and name calling by both sides of the aisle, with the war of words getting increasingly personal and underneath the other’s skin. Hoax videos that had been purposefully slowed-down and doctored to make Pelosi appear to be drunkenly slurring were circulating online this week. One was shared and later deleted by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Guiliani. Original Article:
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