neverending-Live After Eden 2011 vs Arena Live 2016 (EngSub)

No copyright infringement is intended. Nothing is mine. All content is owned by their respective authors. It is only shown for the purpose of entertainment and promoting musical taste in my country. ©2016 SACRA MUSIC ©2016 SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT ©2016 SONY RECORDS English and Romaji Lyrics’ sources: never ending lyrics&sxsrf=ALeKk009KTpOOvQbn4TfE0aBYpy5ZDbP0g:1617249740539&ei=zEVlYKmnIKOg5NoPwpOzoAU&oq=kalafina neverending ly&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMYADIECAAQDToHCCMQsAMQJzoHCAAQRxCwA1C2eFjdemDLggFoAXACeACAAZwBiAGvA5IBAzAuM5gBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQTAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz Kalafina Never-Ending After Eden Special live 2011 VS Arena live 2016 At Nippon Budokan If you enjoyed this concert, just support the musicians and BUY IT:
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