All Fall Down - Joshua & Neku | TWEWY AMV

“Whenever your world starts crashing down, that’s where you’ll find me.“ --- TADAA! WEEK SEVEN. This means we’re definitely over halfway since we’re getting 12 eps. WOW. I’ve been doing twewy editing for 7 weeks straight. You’d think I’d be tired of it . LOL I’ve been having lots of mep parts lately so that does tire me but then I get to twewy Fridays and during the weekend I’m like ’WOO EDITING TIMEEE.’ this is also one of the songs I actually planned for since we saw Neku falling in the trailers for the anime so WOO. This week’s dedication goes to Mitzi because I know this ep broke you so ....have more of it :D (also YT autochose the same thumbnail as your vid HAHA so I changed it) I also have to say that I hadn’t cried while live watching the usually ended up crying while editing or rewatching a scene...(cough, neshiki departure cough). BUT. THIS EPISODE MADE ME CRY AND YOU KNOW WHAT MOMENT IT WAS? IT WAS WHEN NAO AND SOTA WERE ERASED GOD DAMN IT. idk if it was because I’ve been writing a fic since last year about nao and sota’s death but GOD DAMN. BRO I WAS CRYING SO MUCH. they’re the most wholesome of all twewy and they deserved better ;-; it may or may not contribute to why we started this vid with that voiceover about Neku changing due to meeting watching them disappear. So we start with two erasures and one entry fee disappearance! (and Neku’s own death) and we end with Joshua, for a bonus erasure :)_ WHAT FUN. HOW FUN NEKU. HOW FUN. IM IN PAIN. NEKU MY PRECIOUS BOY. Shoutout to Kouki Uchiyama the real OG Squeenix voice actor. He has always done character pain so well and doing it for Neku he knocked it out of the park. ....which fits conveniently with the part of the song that I put Neku’s ’Joshua’ scream in. THAT FINAL BOSS FIGHT WAS DONE SO WELL. It was amazing and we got to see Joshua and Neku’s lvl 3. mean kind of. Not completely but it was basically there. And wow like yeah that reveal for Minamimoto killing Neku, like that really got me when I first played the game. Like Neku I felt so SO bad that I suspected Joshua so the poor kid might have been prissy but he didn’t deserve to go out like that..... Neku’s going to spend even more time on guilt times ;-; song: All Fall Down - One Republic OKAY GAME SPOILER TALK AHEAD. ONCE AGAIN. DON’T READ ON UNLESS YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE GAME. INCLUDING THE SECRET REPORTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........bro Neku crying about never apologising for it hits in a different way when you think about how Joshua is at all dead and is about to spend a week playing tin pin LMAOOOOOO. Neku: ...he’s never apologised and he’s erased. -meanwhile- Joshua: wanna play tin pin Joshua 2: why are there two of us Joshua: okay but do you want to play tin pin Neku 2: i want to be the tin pin WILL BE THE TIN PIN CHAMPION okay okay okay okay but on a serious note, I think the emphasis Neku had on the ’you used us’ when speaking to Kitaniji is going to come again in a really painful way when Neku also realises Joshua was using him as his ’m not ready for one more crying Neku, the world has evolved past crying Neku ;-; alsoooooo I really don’t know if the anime will talk about the secret reports but if we discuss how Minamimoto’s flare WAS pretty powerful and how Hanekoma was the one who sent him after Joshua and Joshua finds out onscreen I will not be ready for that either. Me at any scene where with broken trust or a betrayal: I DO NOT SEE. I DO NOT PERCEIVE. OKAY SO NEXT WEEK IS BEST BOY BEAT MY FAVE MY BELOVED SON. GET READY FOR MY LOVE TO INTENSIFY BECAUSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. THE BEAT IS ON. BRING IT.
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