Complex Behaviour from Simple Rules: 3 Simulations

A small display of some of the surprisingly intricate patterns and behaviours that can arise from relatively simple rules. More information about each of the simulations below. These simulations were made in Unity, and coded with C# and HLSL. The code for the first two simulations is currently in early access to patrons of the channel. If you’d like to support my work, you can find it here: They will be available to everyone sometime around mid-May. The slime mould simulation is from a previous video, so you can find the code for that over here: ---- 1. Reaction-Diffusion ---- This is a simulation of two chemicals (A and B). Both diffuse over time (A faster than B). The simulation space is initially filled with A, and just a small region has some of chemical B. Over time, more A is gradually added (controlled by a parameter called feedRate), while B is gradually removed (controlled by the parameter removeRate). Finally, ther
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