Jules Naudet’s WTC 9/11 Footage -- Poor Quality VHS Tape, Largely Watermarked (Recut & Enhanced)

0:00:00 - Prep-up before inspecting an alleged gas leak at Church/Lispenard Sts. 0:01:18 - 1st plane’s roar before it crashes into the north face of WTC 1 (North Tower) at 8:46:30am (0:01:27). 0:01:50 - CUT to segment 8:47:04am - 9:00:25am ( /- 1 s). Fire truck races towards WTC. 0:02:14 - Batt. Chief Pfeifer: “...looked like American airliner“ (?) 0:02:31 - Clean version. The watermarked portion has no 2nd impact scene. This portion was replaced by this clean segment. 0:05:23 - Glimpse of the south side of WTC-1 lobby w/ southern shuttle-elevator bank. View through blasted out 1st floor ...windows of west face. 0:06:38 - Splintered glass in revolving doors. Broken and fallen-off marble panels at the western core perimeter. Screams. Someone is still on fire about 6 minutes (!) after impact. 0:12:04 - Silverstein’s WTC sec. chief John O’Neill arrives at the lobby (behind firefighters). 0:15:11 - CUT to segment 9:00:30am - 9:18:52am
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