Two-way North American mincegore featuring:
- Wine Sore from Squamish, British Columbia, Canada
- Genetic Deformity from Whittier, California, USA
Released in June 2021 (digital format - cassette format coming soon) by Antiguerra10 Records.
Get it here:
-- Wine Sore --
1. Hippie Ripper 0:00
2. Good Kompany 0:41
3. Societies Human Waste 1:15
4. Flayed Beyond Recognition 2:06
5. Baptized in Butcher Knives 3:05
6. Beat, Stabbed, Choked to Death 3:43
-- Genetic Deformity --
7. Vacation to Fiji Ends Up Being a Disaster Due to Getting Disemboweled by a Boat Propeller 4:24
8. Funky Town
... Gore 6:30
9. Vegetablized Cerebral Septic Carcinogenic Vomit Putridity 8:17
10. Bludgeoned Until Liquified 9:08Show more