Lieutenants Oakley G. Kelley and John A. Macready land in San Diego, California (1923)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Aviators Kelley and Macready complete their non-stop, coast to coast flight and celebrate with the crowd Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Ovation for T-2 Heroes After Record Flight USA: California: San Diego: EXT AMERICAN ARMY TROOPS AIRMEN AERONAUTICS: American airmen break World’s record. AERONAUTICS (AEROPLANES), Army Air Service, celebration, world record, Fokker T-2, Oakley Kelly Background: Aviators Kelley and Macready complete their non-stop, coast to coast flight and celebrate with the crowd FILM ID: VLVAAS1O8SRB1QSWSVOH2GUIP2HA1 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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