Disabled Men’s Exhibition (1914-1919)

Disabled men’s exhibition. Location of events unknown. Disabled soldiers’ exhibition. Opens with CU poster: Don’t Pity a Disabled Man — Find Him a Job; with drawing of guys in military uniforms; with crutches. Short shot of a busy street; pedestrians on sidewalks; boy sweeps the street’; large building in BG; train station? CU another poster; this one for Royal Marines’ exhibition at St. George’s Hall in Liverpool. A man enters; uses umbrella to point at the words on poster; and at the picture below of a soldier. Workshop with a few men wearing aprons at work planing boards — veterans learning to be carpenters. CU Man using a plane. GV same. More CUs (3) of men working. Then GV a room with about 8 guys working — 6 stand at table in BG; and 2 sit in FG; with an instructor bending over one to help him. Can’t tell what they are making. CU 2 men working on boots - - student cobblers. One is pounding nails in bottom of boot; while the other is rubbing the sole of another boot with a long flat tool- san
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