Week 11 for the skippers of the Vendée Globe 2016
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Ocean Masters is the global brand of the Imoca class and represents the world championship circuit which is awarded every two years.
Ocean Masters has a vision : to internationalise the IMOCA class, to grow its profile and value, to introduce new events, new venues, new skippers and teams, new sponsors to the class and the grow the global fanbase supporting this incredible sport. The Imoca Ocean Masters Championship includes two round the world races, the Vendée Globe which is singlehanded and the Barcelona World Race which is doublehanded, the Route du Rhum, the New-York to Barcelona race, the Transat Jacques Vabre, The Rolex Fastnet Race and several other ocea
4 weeks ago 00:08:26 1
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Неделя. Отражение | | Дмитрий Абзалов / Евгений Коган