Watch in HD if you can... =3=
(.. i forgot to put the audio back to normal... whoopz..:’D)
Finally it’s done!!! *A* I started this on Monday and I was pushing myself to have it done on time... ;w; I seriously thought your bday was on March, Bri... , since I recently discovered you love UlquiHime as much as I do, I decided to make you a mmv about them. *w* I just hope you like it. ;w; I luff you so much, Bri. You’re so awesome and I’m really happy to have met you and to have you in BTS! *tackles* *A* I hope you have an amazing bday with a giant cake and lots of awesome presents!! *w*
Now, go sub the bday girl! 8D
I’m not going to say anything, since people will probably throw rocks at me, but either way, some parts are bleh to me and wished I could have done better. But I promise, the next UlquiHime mmv will be much