Simon Holmedal: Minimalism, Maximized | Forward Festival
Simon Holmedal explores Panoply’s intricate interplay between complexity and simplicity for some of their most recent work, breaking down the layers to their creative process. Discover how Panoply’s evolving experience with Houdini unlocks transformative potential, showcasing the art of harmonizing complexity in design.
00:00:17 Introduction
00:00:33 Panoply Studio
00:02:11 Marvel & MBA Projects
00:04:51 Energy Visualization
00:23:55 Seattle Sounders Project
00:29:15 Water & Environment
00:35:21 Visual & Sound Exploration
00:36:31 VRE & Real Time
6 months ago 00:40:13 54
Simon Holmedal: Minimalism, Maximized | Forward Festival
2 years ago 00:54:50 48
Curated Motion Design with Houdini | Simon Holmedal | FMX 2019
2 years ago 00:47:57 71
ReConnect 2022 | Simon Holmedal
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Simon Holmedal | Remote workflow, Future of CG Industry, Switching to Houdini