Military Funeral Of Unknown Man - Funeral Unknown Personality (1916)

Location of events unknown. Funeral of unknown man - probably high ranking officer in Royal Navy. Funeral cortege going down suburban street. Coffin covered in Union Jack is pulled on gun carriage by sailors, other sailors carry wreaths. A white feathered helmet lies on top of coffin. M/S of soldiers with white helmets marching in procession, they carry their rifles with the barrels facing the ground. L/S, taken from boat at sea, of crowd on a pier, including the soldiers in white hats. Various shots of a steamboat leaving the pier. Shots are very shaky, looks like boat they were taken from was bobbing up and down on rough sea. Various shots of soldiers marching out of large house, carry rifles with barrels pointing downwards. They are followed by a military band (the instruments are covered in black clothe) and a civilian man in mourning dress and top hat. M/S of crowd of sailors on sea front, looks very windy. The hearse gun carriage is in background. The sailors remove their ha
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