Chief Bigfoot Band Memorial Riders Arrive at Wounded Knee

On December 29, 1890 Chief Bigfoot (Spotted Elk) and his band of Mniconjou were traveling to Pine Ridge Agency (). They traveled at night and hid during the day for fear of the U.S. Army capturing them. When they arrived at Wounded Knee Creek they were approached by the army. They hung a flag of peace. That evening a whiskey trader’s wagon rolled through the soldier encampment and all the soldiers were drinking whiskey and drunk. Many were taking Lakota women from Chief Bigfoot’s camp. Chief Bigfoot and his people stayed up all night protecting their female relatives from these drunk soldiers. Morning came and the soldiers began disarming Chief Bigfoot and his people. The soldiers were attempting to take the rifle away from a deaf boy when a shot rang out. It’s unknown who fired the shot, but what ensued was a hail of bullets from the soldiers gatling gun. The stories passed down say the firing of bullets sounded like the tearing of a blanket.
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