“Pope“ Francis Carries Witch’s Stang

Yet more proof that Francis can’t possibly be an actual pope. Actual popes must be actually Catholic. Francis has publicly and pertinaciously rejected actual Catholicism (see abundant proof here: ). Therefore, Francis is not an actual pope. Every time once calls Francis an actual pope, one enables his fraud and is thus complicit in his evil. Moreover, the entity Antipope Francis leads has manifestly been overcome by hell. But the actual Catholic Church cannot be overcome by hell. This is a divine promise and is thus infallible (Mt. 16:18). Therefore, the entity Antipope Francis leads cannot possibly be the actual Catholic Church. Thus every time one calls the entity Antipope Francis leads the actual Catholic Church, one implicitly calls Jesus Christ a liar. Be not afraid to get real; really real. Start here: Francis isn’t “just a bad father.“ Rather, as a rabid apostate, he’s not a father at all. Related, see:  The “But we’ve had Bad Popes before” Objection “Pope“ Francis: Vicar of Satan Antipope Francis: Eco-Freak from Hell Hell HAS Prevailed over FrancisChurch, therefore.... It’s a Stang: Francis opened Vatican Youth Synod with Sorcerer’s Staff An Occult Portrait of “Saint” Paul VI The whole epic presentation mentioned by Fr. Jenkins at the end of this video is here: False Church of Francis Condemned by Pope St. Pius X
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