Lit Snowflake Decoration with Todd | The 12 Projects of Christmas Day 8 | Vectric Project
Nothing says the holidays like decorative lights and festive music. I wanted to try a little something different for this project and use lights, and glass marbles to create a lit wall decoration.
I seem to remember when I was a kid that my Mother choosing to decorate the Christmas tree all in blue, white, and silver decorations. It looked beautiful and wanted to incorporate a bit of that into the final design. Filling the center of my design with blue and clear flat marbles and then lite them from the edges with LED strip lights seemed like a good option.
My original chosen shape was a tree, but then it seemed more interesting if I went for a snowflake. This design incorporates an interesting hanging method, Acrylic face, and spacers so the decoration could be lifted off the wall and light can escape through the back.
I do hope you enjoy this project and it inspires you to make one or create your own version.
Be safe, and Happy Holidays!
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